2021, An incredible year!

Well it’s got to the 31st of December in what has been a momentous year for me in many ways. There are so many things to talk about I don’t really know where to start! I guess the first momentous event was finally getting my book Half Him Half Her published back in March. I didn’t really know what to expect but for me the biggest thing to come out of it is all the wonderful people i have connected with through the book. The list is endless but to name a few, Michelle, her mum Julie and all the people I’ve met through Michelle, Nicky and her beautiful family, Chantelle and Steph, Emma from the Mail, Taylar from the Times, Dominique from the local ABC and all the lovely people we have met this year in Nannup especially Shirley and Caryl who organised and helped me so much at my Nannup book launch and signing earlier this month. They have all enriched my life in some way.

There have been lots of other highlights related to the book this year. In August i was asked by Dr Sarah to speak to a group of medical students which she tutors about my story, intersex and transgender. They were a lovely group of people who listened carefully and asked a number of excellent questions. In September i was asked to speak to a book club in Dunsborough as my book had been their feature for the preceding period. They were a lovely group of people from many different backgrounds but had all enjoyed the book it was a very enjoyable evening. I’ve already mentioned the book launch in Nannup, we also had an excellent event earlier in the year at the Quill Collective in Vasse. I had absolutely no idea how the event would go as i had never attended a book launch before so imagine my surprise when a friend who was helping at the event asked me what time i was speaking? I said I wasn’t aware that i had to speak so she went on to tell me that the expectation would be that i say a few words and read two or three paragraphs out of the book. I consulted Denise who quickly found three passages which she thought would be of interest and passed a book to me. The first two went quite well i thought but I completely lost it on the third so Denise had to finish it off for me. It all added to the day in the end so nothing was lost.

Work wise i have had my best year by far and have work booked well into 2022. Early in the year i was asked if i was interested in doing some work for a second realestate company, Harcourts, by someone i have known for many years. It started slowly but has built up into a significant amount of work each month. Then in June this year i was asked by a third realestate company to do some work for them and it has really just snowballed from there. Private work has also been building and I’ve done lots of jobs which I’ve not tackled before. On the grounds that if you don’t challenge yourself you never grow, i think both my abilities and my business have grown accordingly. To help get through the work load i have enlisted the help of both Denise and Chantelle, each have their strengths and have both been a great help.

Health wise 2021 has been pretty good apart from a small incident involving a large piece of jarrah, a chainsaw and a length of fence wire which I didn’t see resulting in a broken rib. Thankfully it was soon mended after a very strange coincidence with the beautiful people on the reception at Broadwater Medical centre and subsequent visit to my GP. Talking of which, Dr Sarah has again this year spent far more time with me than she should have done and i feel very blessed to be in her care. I’m very happy to have all my GP needs under one roof now and know how lucky i am to looked after with such compassion, Broadwater Medical Centre, you rock!

Another momentous event was the birth of Freddy in September, Denise’s first grandchild and a real character he is. Denise has been up to Perth a number of times, I’ve been up once and seen him twice down here. The later of which was on Christmas Day which although was extremely hot was a very enjoyable day spent with lovely people whom I’m sure we will see a lot more of in 2022.

I’ve also discovered a couple more talents, making Christmas trees and Christmas cakes. The former, out of all recycled or left over timber from one job or another, one at the gate at Nannup and the other on the front Verandah. Both look really good and I’ve already been asked to make one for someone else next year. As for the cakes, ok its a bit of a cheat as it is a cake mix which just requires following instructions but i have now made 8 of them and not had anything but success. I think my tactical error was to start in October, it was never going to last until Christmas so i just kept making them and have indeed baked the last one tonight!

Well, that’s about us up to date, who knows what 2022 has in store for us but i can guarantee we are in one of the best areas of the best country in the world so I’m sure we will be safe under the stewardship of premier Mark McGowan! All that’s left is for me to wish all our friends a very happy new year, keep well and I’ll endeavour to write more posts in 22 than in 21, i know I’ve been a bit slack!


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